The Great Ponds Series

Martha’s Vineyard's great ponds have been a source of sustenance and beauty for countless generations of Islanders. Recently, many of these ponds appear to be at a tipping point, with algae blooms choking out shellfish, and cyanobacteria making the water unsafe for pets and humans.

EPISODE 1: On Our Watch

Dir. Ollie Becker | Documentary | U.S.A. | 2022 | 38 min.

Produced in partnership with the Vineyard Conservation Society, On Our Watch is the first of a three-part series documenting the health of these spectacular coastal ponds, and what our community is doing to help. Following the efforts of organizations such as the Great Pond Foundation, the Martha’s Vineyard Commission, and the Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group, as well as several community members, the film examines the history of these ponds, the challenges they face, and what can be done to save them.

EPISODE 2: Finding a Better Balance

Dir. Ollie Becker | Documentary | U.S.A. | 2024 | 40 min.

In the second episode of this docuseries, Martha’s Vineyard’s coastal ponds continue to be adversely affected by the rising sea-level and temperatures of climate change, and an influx of nitrogen from septic systems and landscaping runoff. In response, the Great Pond Foundation, Vineyard Conservation Society, Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group, Wampanoag Environmental Laboratory, and others make vital and cooperative efforts to revive the herring, shellfish, and eelgrass populations. While offering hope, this film urges the public to consider its nitrogen and carbon footprints, in relation to the ponds’ survival.

Episode 2 premiered at the 2024 Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival.

We are currently in production on Episode 3. If you would like to support the continuation of the Great Ponds series, please consider donating.

This three-part documentary is supported by the Vineyard Vision Fellowship and Vineyard Conservation Society, with invaluable contributions from other Island conservation organizations, private grants, and donations.